
Friday, December 28, 2012

5 Reasons To Workout With P90X In Boca Raton

Life is about choices. When choosing the best path for our health and fitness, it’s important to have the best information. Here is the “skinny” on why P90X in Boca Raton, FL is the best way to reach your goal as opposed to hiring a personal trainer.

  1. MOTIVATION. In a group fitness setting, not only are you pushing yourself, you are encouraged by others. We all need an energy boost sometimes. A group of like-minded people reaching for their goals is a strong supportive benefit of P90X fitness classes in Boca Raton.

  1. PROVEN. Over 3.6 million people, including professional athletes and celebrities, have used P90X to get the body of their dreams. P90X is the #1-selling extreme fitness program in the world and has generated over 1 million video testimonials onYouTube®. Click Here to watch a few testimonials.

  1. ACCOUNTABILITY. You sign up, you show up. Classes are held daily as it is a regimented program. This is for people who truly want to see results. Your class is a team aiming for the Superbowl of fitness and they need you there everyday. Of course there are situations that are out of your control, but we are stronger in numbers. Leave no man or woman behind.

  1. CHALLENGE. IntensityX3 offers P90X fitness classes in Boca Raton led by expert instructors that push you to your limits. In order for the body to adapt, it has to be stimulated, overloaded and driven to excel. Class programming is designed to get the best out of you and your athleticism.

  1. VARIETY. Performing the same routine year after year while expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Your body needs time to adapt to a new routine yet it also has to be shocked and stimulated. The principle of Muscle Confusion is used to describe the various phases of P90X and what you will experience as you dedicate yourself to this all-encompassing 90-day program.

What are you waiting for? Click Here To Join Now!

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P90X® is a registered trademark of Beachbody, LLC, used under license.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

3 Simple Fat Blasting Tips

The holidays are just about complete and it's time to switch back into fat loss mode for the New Year. Your best bet to boost your metabolism and melt the fat is to follow these 3 simple steps.

1. Drink 1 gallon of water per day.
Not fruit juice, not Gatorade, not coffee and definitely not soda, sorry! Our bodies are made up of 70% water. This fact alone should prove that water plays an essential role in our body's ability to shred that extra blubber. Water also has the added bonus of ridding our body of harmful toxins which can wreak havoc on our metabolism. So drink up! 

2. Eat more berries! 
All fruit is not created equal. Certain fruits have too much sugar and can promote fat gain in individuals that are sensitive to sugar. Instead of the high sugar fruits like bananas, choose blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries to help you fight the fat. Berries also have loads of cancer blasting antioxidants to keep in as healthy as can be!

3. Increase vegetable sources of protein
We aren't suggesting vegetarianism, but it is a fact that animal sources of fat contain heaps of artery clogging cholesterol and saturated fats. The extra calories from fat will most certainly contribute to your increasing waistline. Try substituting a few meat based meals for a vegetable protein based meal, which will decrease the amount of fat in your diet as well as add tons of  fiber. Some examples of vegetable protein sources are vegan protein powders, beans, tofu and tempeh. 

Well ,there you have it! 3 sure fire ways to help you blast that holiday fat! 

For more information Click Here