#1. Cereal – Filled with processed sugars and enriched
flour, cereal is devoid of most important nutrients that you need as an
athlete. Look for alternatives such as oatmeal or quinoa to supply you with energy
you crave.
#2. White bread – Bleached and blanched flour has numbed a
popular staple in the common diet. Your bread should have caloric value and at
least 3g of dietary fiber per slice.
#3. Potato Chips – Salty, greasy, not good for you. Don’t be
tricked by words such as, “baked” and “all-natural”. Sorry, I have yet to find
Doritos growing on trees.
#4. Soda – If it’s a liquid and the first ingredient is NOT
water, take a step back. Most sodas are filled with high fructose corn syrup
and a multitude of artificial sweeteners. The brief definition of artificial?
#5. Milk – A good choice for baby cows, not so for adult
humans. Lactose (milk sugar) is not easily digested by the body and can cause
cramping and discomfort. Lactose accounts for approximately 50% of skim milk’s
calories, making it ounce for ounce the same as soda. Not to mention increased
linkage between dairy consumption and diabetes and prostate cancer.
#6. Ice Cream – Excess calories, excess sugar, excess dairy.
Does it taste good? Absolutely. That is our body’s natural reaction to sweet
foods. Humans are driven by the need to find sugar, because in nature it is not
easy to find save for fruits. Don’t let your body fool you, unless your new
years resolution is to break your bathroom scale.
#7. Fruit Juice – Fruit sugar (fructose) without the fiber.
When juicing a fruit, the precious fiber is left behind. This is the pulp, the
flesh of the fruit. It helps your digestive system stay healthy as well as slow
the absorption of the fructose. Without fiber, you might as well pick up a
soda. Trash it!
#8. Table Salt – A coated form of sodium chloride (NaCl)
that is designed to “enhance” the flavor of your food, as well as bounce across
a table when you spill it. Natural sea salt contains a multitude of minerals
that companies extract to infuse into cereals (see #1), leaving behind just the
sodium and chloride. Then it is coated so it does not clump together in your
shaker. Opt for a natural sea salt such as Celtic Sea Salt at your local health
store. It is mushy, grey, and has the same flavor with 1/3 of the amount.
#9. Candy – Melt down the sugar, throw in some yellow #5 and
red #40 lake. I made these once in chemistry class. No fiber, High calorie,
High sugar, High fat, low health. Bad choice.
#10. TV Remote – If you have ever in your entire life
performed lunges while holding a television remote, then you can skip this one.
Chances are you hold a remote for more hours during the day than exercising. At
least try using your DVR to save your show and limit yourself to that time
span. Endless hours of channel surfing will be the death of your muscle. RIP
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Dash Kellner, CSCS, P90X