
Monday, July 22, 2013

Your P90X and INSANITY program in 5 easy steps

It is not so simple as just showing up to your P90X & INSANITY fitness classes. Jumping in head first without preparation might seem like a great way to jump start your body, but there are certain things you need to account for in order to get the most out of your program. Here at IntensityX3, we make sure you tackle these components out of the gate to keep you engaged, motivated and on track to your ultimate fitness goals. The following are the essentials in getting your program off on the right foot.
#1 - Before and After Pictures - A very commonly over-looked act is the pictures taken BEFORE you begin training. People love their "after" pictures of course, but often feel embarrassed and self-conscious about taking a "before" picture. This is best done in the privacy of your own home, either a self-shot in the mirror or from a friend/partner. In our client handbook you will find details on how to take your pictures, and you can hold onto these, taking progress pictures every 30 days. The best feeling is looking back and seeing your progress which will motivate you to push harder and stronger to the finish line.
#2 - Measurements - Visual progress doesn't always come as quickly as we would hope. It usually takes a couple weeks for the body to adjust and begin to steamroll with physical changes. You will still be making progress, yet the naked eye can't always pick up on this progress easily. You are used to looking in the mirror on a daily basis and may not notice subtle changes your body is going through. Using the measurement technique is a great way to see these changes and keep you accountable to your training. Please visit the client handbook on our member page for details on how to take your measurements at the start of your P90X and INSANITY fitness program.
#3 - Nutrition Plan - The best way to attack any project is to have a plan. To set your fitness plan in motion you need to start where it counts. NUTRITION. This is the crutch most people have when it comes to seeing the results they desire. Your P90X and INSANITY fitness program is only as good as what you are eating to refuel your workouts. You literally ARE what you eat, and eating garbage will lead to lackluster training sessions and stagnant results. Refer to the P90X and INSANITY nutrition guides on your member page for the details on caloric intake, shopping selection and nutrient timing. These resources give you everything you need to attack this program and destroy unwanted body fat.
#4 - FIT TEST - If you have followed the above instructions, you are ready to gear up and get started. Our P90X and INSANITY fit test measures your starting performance before you even begin your training. What better way to see how you have improved than to see where you started? In your client handbook on the member page, you will see the fit test mapped out for you. If you begin this program after our class fit test, you have the ability to track your initial performance in your very own home. It is very important to measure these facets as this program is performance based and will vastly improve all areas of your fitness. One of the strongest motivators for continuing training is seeing those numbers increase. You will absolutely love your improvements when attending regular P90X and INSANITY fitness classes so take the time to do your fit test before day one.
#5 - ACCOUNTABILITY - IntensityX3 holds you accountable for your results. Will we help you? Absolutely! You are not in this battle alone. This is a group of people motivated to bring your goals to fruition. With our private members page, nutrition guides, educational articles and videos, you are exposed to exactly the type of camaraderie missing from run-of-the-mill fitness classes. The best way to seed results is to show up and gives 100%. Our infrastructure ensures that even when you aren't in class, you are receiving the support you need to reach your goals.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Is P90X & INSANITY Enough?

You love working out. The burning, the soreness, the exhaustion after your training. You feel so energized and alive that you want to keep going. You want to do more to accelerate your results. More is better, right? Adding more cardio and two-a-day training should incinerate fat faster and more efficiently shouldn't it? Well, in most cases with intense training, less is more. And when I say more, I mean more EFFECTIVE. Here are 5 reasons why:

1) Decreased recovery time - When you work out, your body is broken down. Small tears in the muscle fibers need to be repaired, and energy stores need to be replenished. With intense training this recovery period is essential and working out before healing will increase your risk of injury.

2) Dehydration: Simply drinking water does not mean your muscles are receiving all they need. Extra training increases body temperature which requires extra fluids. This takes time to absorb and can lead to dehydration in tissues that need water most for recovery. Chances are, you won't drink as much or as often as you should for perfect health. This may lead to prolonged soreness, muscle injury, or heat exhaustion/stroke.

3) Decreased progress - Over-stressing the nervous and physical systems of the body may lead to a decline in fat loss and strength. The last thing you want is to stop seeing results. Training too often will "scare" your body into holding onto extra energy for healing. This extra energy is the fat you are trying so hard to shed.

4) Muscle loss - Yes, you can lose muscle mass from exercising too much. During training, a hormone (cortisol) is released into the blood, designed to breakdown muscle sugar for energy. With exercise occurring more than once per day, or when training on days that SHOULD be for rest, cortisol levels in the blood stay elevated. This results in continued muscle breakdown and therefore less fat loss.

5) Overtraining - Physiological symptoms such as chronic fatigue, ongoing soreness, decreased performance, depression, loss of appetite are some of the outcomes of overtraining. Be aware of your body and recover as much as possible as this is when you improve and heal.

To ensure these set-backs do not happen, take the rest days in your P90X and INSANITY program seriously. Train once per day and push yourself hard during that time. Sometimes you FEEL like you can do more physically. Really, it is simply a mental benefit of exercise - increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Your P90X personal trainer is aware of these issues, which is why rest periods and a variety of workouts is present every week. Abide by the program, focus on nutrition, and enjoy your continued progress.