
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kick Some A$$ with HOT Kickboxing in Boca Raton

Are you fat and out of shape? Are you lean, ripped and on your game? It really doesn't matter where you're at right now. The point is, you aren't where you need to be. There is always room for improvement, so now you're finally getting off your lazy ass and doing something about it. Kudos. What is the best way to do it? Exercise of course! With so many options out there, it's no surprise that you've chosen P90X and INSANITY fitness classes here in Boca Raton, FL. What's more, we now offer a unique class that you can't find just anywhere. You wanna fight? You wanna rage? Well let's punch and kick some shit. WITH SOME HEAT.

HOT kickboxing in Boca Raton is the newest, most unique way to burn
up to 900 calories in 60 minutes! Punching and kicking a bag, letting loose frustration and rage, with an extra sweat to boot. Loud music, pumping you up and flushing the garbage out of your body. What better way to start your day than that? Not only does hot kickboxing feel amazing, by golly it freakin' works! Here are some proven ways that this type of training can step up your game, all without foofy frills and gimmicky exercises. 

1) Cardiovascular Endurance - Combined upper and lower body training makes your heart work harder to deliver blood-carrying oxygen to your training muscles. The result: Heart efficiency increases, aerobic capacity improves, your performance goes off the charts. 

2) Muscular Coordination - I, the instructor tell you what to do. In an INSTANT you react and deliver those knee strikes home. Are you hitting the bag accurately? Did you maintain your position? Are the right muscles working? I will make sure, and it will improve all areas of your control, including strength output for those resistance training P90X classes. 

3) Agility - Movement with a purpose, and accuracy of those movements. A component of coordination, we are nothing with fitness and body movements if we cannot move well. Pinpoint accuracy with your body will ensure that you prevent injury and get the most out of every ounce of effort. 

4) Balance - Do you want to be old, frail and using a guard rail to get off the toilet? F**K NO! Whenever I see those supports I vow to myself that I will never need to use one unless its after leg day. Kicking and punching on one leg, rotating, changing directions.... yeah, trust me. That'll do the trick. "Just say NO" to handicapped shitters.

5) Calories Burned - The more muscles used, the more calories used. I want you DEPLETED, I want you WASTED, I want you EXHAUSTED, but begging for more. If you are able to have a nice leisurely meal at Jamba Juice after the class, you didn't work hard enough. If you have to mop yourself off the floor of our Hot Kickboxing studio, you've done something right. All you'll get is a pat on the back because the real reward are the 800 - 1000 calories you just decimated, and all the excess energy you'll be using the rest of the day. 

6) Straight Sexiness - Everyone has their own opinions. You want rock hard abs and that ass that just won't quit? Tell me if you think some fight training for an hour in the heat will deliver it? Rhetorical question. If you eat clean and you train hard, you will get out what you put in. With this new cutting edge class, we capitalize on a classic favorite and add in the heat to blow your mind... and body. 

7) Who's Your Daddy?? - You likely have some stress in your life. If you don't, I salute you. Every day things go wrong and you have no where to turn to let off some steam. Here, it's just another day at the office for you to go haywire. Only this time you are gloved up and ready to tear your opponent a new Louis Vuitton. Bring your baggage and dump it out all at once. You might even find a shoulder to cry on.

Click Here if you are ready to to join our unique fitness classes in Boca Raton.  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Incidence of diabetes reaches epidemic proportions.

The worldwide incidence of people affected with diabetes soars to 382 million people, up from 317 million people in 2012. Even worse, this number doesn't seem to be slowing down. Oh no, in-fact, research suggests that the number of people diagnosed could surge to 592 million people by 2035. That's 55 percent! Death from diabetes is estimated at 5.1 million a year or 1 every 6 seconds. If these numbers tell us anything, it's that WE are clearly  losing the war on diabetes and obesity. I say "we" because most of us know someone who struggles with this disease. I also say "we" because "we" are footing the bill. The American Diabetics Association estimates healthcare costs associated with diagnosed diabetes at 245 billion. That's BILLION with a B. That's a pretty substantial societal and economic burden, not to mention the millions of lives lost from this debilitating disease. In a time where health insurance rates are soaring, I think we can all see the value in controlling the costs associated with this disease.

The majority of  people diagnosed with diabetes are struggling with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a disease in which your body can no longer metabolize sugar effectively, leading to increases in blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar levels are associated with a long list of dangerous and life threatening complications, some of which include damage to the heart, eyes, blood vessels, and kidneys. Type 2 diabetes has been clearly associated with lifestyle choices, including lack of exercise and a poor diet. Through exercise our body has a much easier time lowering blood sugar levels. This is why it is imperative that the diagnosed diabetic follows a regular workout routine. For those of you that are currently disease free, I suggest PREVENTION. As Ben Franklin once said, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
Here is a quick list of the things you can do to prevent type 2 diabetes.
1. EXERCISE... That's a big one.
2. Eat a nutrient rich, plant based diet that is high in fiber and low in processed sugars and chemicals.
3. Avoid toxins in your home and environment. Diabetes has also been linked to toxins in our environment!
4. Lose weight or maintain a healthy weight
5. Increase muscle mass! More muscle = decreased risk of diabetes. Muscle eat's up sugar and consequently keeps your blood sugar levels stable.
6. Get regular check ups with your doctor    

Which Supplements Really Work?

We all know that supplements exist, but are they really effective? Most of us like to take a supplement. It makes us feel like we are working towards our goal. It is ammunition to fight the fat, to build muscle, to conquer our invisible enemy: ourselves. Some supplements make radical claims, while others simply don't have the proper levels of active ingredients to truly be worth while. The following breaks down "The Big Three" of the most successful and EFFECTIVE products to add to your gym bag.

CAFFEINE - First off, this is the main ingredient in any pre-workout supplement. It gives you energy, boosts performance, accelerates fat loss and even decreases pain felt during a workout. For the price of a cup of coffee or cheap anhydrous (dehydrated) powder, caffeine is about as cheap and effective as you can get. Just be sure to use it primarily on training days and decrease usage after a few weeks as you can adapt to it. 

CREATINE - The main benefits are decreased recovery periods between sets and workouts. Energy sources used by the muscles for high intensity exercise are replenished faster when extra creatine is present. This supplement also increases muscle cell volumization and can also improve brain function and bone healing. 

WHEY PROTEIN - The ideal form you should look for is whey protein ISOLATE. This means it is filtered of most if not all the lactose, fat and cholesterol. It should be 90% or higher in terms of purity per scoop. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles and will be responsible in aiding the repair and rebuilding of those soft tissues. Of course, eggs, fish and other sources are beneficial to the human body, whey protein isolate can be an easy and affordable supplement to absorb quickly after workouts when you are unable to have a full meal. 

When choosing a supplement, be sure to read the ingredients and the entire label. See what you are paying for. Look at the volume of the scoop and the active ingredients, see if you are paying for product or extra fillers. Also be sure to avoid supplements with artificial flavors and colorings which can be detrimental to your health. Above all, your food intake should be on point, otherwise supplements will just be smoke and mirrors. Food is always the base of your progress, so focus on that first, the supplements can give you that extra boost to reach the next level.