
Friday, March 15, 2013

4 Tips on How to Fit Healthy Eating into Your Busy Life.

Lets face it, working 8 hours a day is just the tip of the iceberg. We are constantly bombarded with "things to do" and if you do the math, you probably work many more hours per day then you care to admit. If you work crazy hours and barely have time to prepare food, these 4 tips will help get you on track.

1. Master the art of grocery store navigation. When you arrive at the grocery store, chances are you are in a rush, hungry and in a hurry to get it over with. Before you realize, you find yourself in one of many aisles, filling up your cart with as many fast food convenience meals as possible. Stop! Go back! The best thing to do is stick to the perimeter of the store. This is where you will find the healthiest choices like fruits, roots, vegetables, and lean meats. Don't get sucked into the convenience of microwaving your meals. Preparing your own food is a must when you're on the path to health. Fear not, my friends!

2. Cook on Sunday. Hard boil 12 eggs, bake 6 chicken breasts, chop veggies and lettuce for 1 huge salad, and bake 6 sweet potatoes; you'll have a great meal on Sunday and enjoy the leftovers for the next few days. By cooking many things at once you actually end up saving a lot of time and energy. Of course you will have to get over of the idea of eating something different every night of the week. If you need to eat something different every meal, consider the fact that you may be relying too heavily on food for pleasure versus food for fuel.

3. Pack your snacks for the day. It's easy to be so busy that you forget to eat. By the time you remember, there's nothing to eat other than the burger from the local fast food chain that you just so happen to be driving past at the exact moment you realized you skipped both breakfast and lunch. Do yourself a favor and take 5 minutes (yes, it only takes 5 minutes) to portion out a few snacks for the day. Nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies and even left over chicken or steak will make a great snack.


4. Keep a reusable water bottle. Busy people are chronically dehydrated. They almost always forget to drink water. Do yourself a favor and pick up a reusable water bottle that can hold at least a half day's worth of water. Fill it up the night before and make sure to not forget it on the counter! Voila! Instant hydration.


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