If you need a quick protein source and don’t have a lot of time, look no further than your local hen house to satisfy your needs. A perfect protein in nature, the egg is a healthy source of protein, fats and a great sources of various vitamins. A cost effective protein source does not have to come in powder form. Take a few minutes out of your day and take advantage of this easily accessible food to clean up your nutrition plan and get you ripped this month.
Each egg has on average of 6 grams of protein. We are talking about a WHOLE egg. The days of the egg white are over. The vast majority of the nutrients in an egg are in the yolk. The classic mindset that the yolk will increase blood cholesterol has been repeatedly shown by the medical community to NOT be the case. Most of the issues with heart disease and diabetes comes from consuming processed foods. If you have hereditary high cholesterol, you should consult with your physician before consuming large quantities of eggs, however it is unlikely that when combined with an exercise program egg consumption will increase LDL (bad) cholesterol. In fact, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, "consumption of eggs instead of carbohydrate-rich foods may raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL/good cholesterol) levels and decrease blood glycemic and insulinemic responses."
Egg yolks are also a source of one of the highest levels of choline, a B-complex vitamin. Choline is associated with improved neurological function and reducing cellular inflammation. In addition to choline, eggs are also high in sulfur, which is a nutrient important for liver function as well as collagen and keratin production. This results in strong nails, shiny hair and glowing skin, perfect to compliment your shredded physique! Of course, when consuming a lower calorie diet, you may wish to avoid excess calories from the yolk. Consuming just the egg whites is a great source of lean protein as it is the easiest absorbable source for the human body.