
Monday, May 6, 2013

P90X for Runners and Cyclists

Most athletes and enthusiasts train predominantly in their sport to improve performance.  Which makes sense right? If you want to run faster you must run. This principle is known as the “SAID” principle and is descriptive of our body’s ability to develop and adapt as a result of a specific training stress. Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand (SAID) in short means that if one cycles regularly, the body will physiologically adapt to improve cycling performance. However, if the only type of training your doing is specific, like running to improve run time, than you are certainly missing out on many physiological adaptations that will improve your overall ability. For example, incorporating yoga into your endurance program can greatly reduce your risk of injury by increasing flexibility and improving muscular imbalances. Another example is strength training to improve lactate threshold and muscular force which will improve run speed. P90X fitness classes in Boca Raton focus on a wide range of physiological adaptations. If you are an endurance athlete, expand your horizons to improve your performance and accelerate your goal timeline.

Hirofumi Tanaka and Thomas Swensen from the University of Colorado and Ithaca College, respectively, tackled the impact of resistance training on endurance performance. They concluded that although standard cause and effect for resistance training is an increase in strength and anaerobic power, benefits are seen crossing over into the endurance realm.

“…adding such a program to an ongoing endurance regimen, including running or cycling, increases both short and long term endurance capacity in sedentary and trained individuals.”

P90X fitness classes in Boca Raton properly integrate the strength component to compliment an aerobic based sport or activity. Altering strength with cardiovascular days on a regular basis coerces the body into a dynamically adaptive state. Take advantage of a P90X boot camp in Boca Raton. Classes run six (6) days per week and workouts constantly change to maximize muscle confusion. If want to improve your running or cycling performance, than you will definitely benefit from doing P90X in Boca Raton.


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