P90X is an intense, 7 day per week program involving a rotation of resistance workouts with cardiovascular, flexibility and neuromuscular conditioning days. It is not so much a workout as it is a lifestyle commitment, relying on the individual to make the necessary sacrifices to see the program through. Each day is designed specifically to target certain aspects of fitness conditioning to optimally stimulate the body with and increase in muscle size, accelerated fat mobilization (loss) and improved cardiovascular health and performance. Someone looking at the overall program may ask themselves, "Which workout is the most important?" The true answer is ALL of them, but lets look at the groupings and break down the benefits of each.
RESISTANCE: Workouts that include Chest and Back, Back and Biceps, Shoulders and Arms, to name a few. Designed to stimulate hypertrophy (muscle growth) of the muscle fibers which as a result, increases fat metabolism, and protein synthesis (muscle creation), thus getting you that "tone" and definition you are looking for. The strength gained from these workouts will help your daily activities by giving your body the ability to create more force needed for lifting, carrying, and pushing objects.
CARDIO: Cardio X, Plyo X, and Kenpo X are all components of the cardiovascular aspect of P90X. Our program here at Intensity X3 utilizes INSANITY for the cardio component, but the goals are the same. Increase capillary density in the muscle tissue which helps deliver oxygen and eliminate waste. This improves heart health, helps reduce risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol, blood pressure and resting and exercise heart rates.
FLEXIBILITY and MOBILITY: Yoga X. Yoga X. Yoga X. Our yoga program here at Intensity X3 builds upon the principles set up with P90X Yoga X and takes it to the next level. Varied classes allow for members to improve flexibility, range of motion in the joints and heal faster between workouts. Very likely the most important workout we offer, Yoga X delivers on all levels of your fitness and is an ESSENTIAL aspect of your training.
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