
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Foods to Eat Organic

The debate continues with organic vs. conventional foods. What is not under debate are the pesticides used to mass produce conventional produce. In order to feed the ever growing population, crops need to be almost submerged in poisons that kill off all insects and bacteria so the growth rate and crop yield remains high. Some foods do not need as much of these chemicals as they are not targeted by our buggy little neighbors. Others, however, would not be seen on our store shelves in such quantities without the use of these toxic sprays. Here are a few foods that you should look to buy organic to minimize ingesting these dangerous pesticides.

APPLES: On average, more than 40 different pesticides have been found on apples. As a result, the pesticide residue is also found in apple sauce and apple juice. Although peeling the apple may reduce your risk of ingesting the pesticides, many of the best nutrients are in the skin. Your best option, purchase organic whenever possible and wash thoroughly. 

CELERY: Organic celery can be found in your local supermarket, such as Florida chain Publix. USDA testing has resulted in a find of more than 60 different pesticides. You can also diverge into broccoli or kale to reduce your toxic exposure if organic celery can't be on your menu. 

GRAPES: Are you a fan of grapes? We are too! We are NOT a fan of the over 30 pesticides found on most grapes. This delicious fruit can be found organic at a premium, but if you can afford it, it may just save you health concerns down the road. Wine anyone?....

POTATOES: A classic staple food. Inexpensive and a tasty compliment to most meals. Unfortunately it is the home to more than 35 pesticides according to USDA testing. Try your hand with sweet potatoes. This alternative is high in fiber, vitamin A and other micronutrients. You also have a much smaller chance of finding pesticide residue. 

We know that organic foods often times come at a price. As the nation becomes more unhealthy, the organic industry is capitalizing in the market with high prices. It is also because organic foods are more difficult to grow and require more attention because many mainstream pesticides are not used. When possible, look to organics for those foods with the highest presence of pesticides. This way you can minimize your exposure to these substances while keeping the most change in your pocket. 

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